Gullah Geechee Literature Series
My hope for Geechee Literature Series is expressed by Sunn m’Cheaux, Professor of Gullah, Harvard University, in an excerpt of his Foreword to We Wear the Mask. He wrote, “The keen character development and Gullah language dialogue brought to mind personal friends and relatives in place of the characters. Readers familiar with Lowcountry living will catch the colloquialisms and be delighted to hear many phrases that we’re accustomed to hearing only in conversations amongst ourselves. Yet, one does not have to be a Lowcountry native or speaker of our colorful dialects to immerse oneself in this moral tale. While spoken from the mouths of birds, this story gives voice to innate human dilemmas.”

Cake Baker
Mr. Ron'sGullahlicious Pound Cakes
My Family Favorite Pound Cake is a traditional down-home pound cake – with lots of Gullah goodness. I learned to bake it from my mom, and the recipe has been passed down to her children, her children’s children, and her children’s children’s children. Mine melts in your mouth. "Share a slice...if you can!"

Singer, Songwriter, Presenter
For my original songs, writings, performances, and presentations, I’ve been recognized as a cultural interpreter. If you in any way have found meaning, understanding, and\or Aha!-moments about Gullah Geechee culture or heritage through any of my efforts, I am deeply honored!
I’m about making a difference.
Sharing truth. Using that “big voice” that I’ve had since I was a young boy leading spirituals and gospel songs in my St. Helena Island, SC, community. Making listeners feel the lyrics and not just hear them.
Writing and performing songs with stories that are keen and piercing and sometimes jes plain jokey (or rather, fun).